
Douglas Fir
Douglas Fir is straight-grained, hard and quite dense for a softwood. It has an excellent strength-to-weight ratio, making it an ideal product for structural applications. In fact, Douglas fir is the most commonly used wood in the construction of timber frame buildings in Canada.
Three Grades of Douglas Fir
Select Grade
Kiln-dried, appropriate for interior finish work.
Stocked dressed.
Sizes up to 2x12 available.
Knotty Grade
Best for outdoor applications.
Available rough or dressed.
Stocked sizes:
- 2x6
- 2x8
- 2x10
- 2x12
Structural Grade
Best for outdoor and structural applications.
Available rough, dressed or fresh sawn.
Sizes up to 12x12 available.
Hemlock is an inexpensive, but strong material. It works great for garden boxes, retaining walls, timber frames and pergolas. Available rough only.
Stocked sizes:
- 2x6 - 8', 12', 16'
- 2x8 - 8', 12', 16'
- 2x10 - 12', 16'
- 4x4 - 12', 16'
- 6x6 - 12', 16'
- 8x8 - 16'